01.爱江山更爱美人 I prefer beauty to throne 06:51 02.半点心 Half heart 04:24 03.梨花香 Pear lower fragrance 05:13 04.错过的情人 Miss lover 04:50 05.梨花又开放 Pear flower bloom again 04:00 06.忘记他 Forget about him 04:03 07.我找到我自己 I found myself 03:23 08.如果你是我的传说 If you are my legend 04:46 09.上辈子欠你一滴泪 Last life owe you a tear 04:19 10.情难枕 Can not fall asleep 05:39 11.燕衔泥 A swallow holds mud in the mouth 05:20 12.清明雨上 Qingming rain 04:48 (试听) 13.葬花吟 Song for burying flowers06:01